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What is an HS-7 Form?

When it comes to importing automotive or motorcycle parts like tires and helmets into the United States, understanding the required documentation is essential. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHSTA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) oversees the requirements for the HS-7 Form, and it is a crucial form that importers must complete.

The HS7 Form serves as a declaration that the imported merchandise complies with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards set out by the NHSTA and DOT. These standards ensure that the automotive parts being shipped into the US meet certain safety requirements. A common example of an item that requires these forms are motorcycle tires and safety equipment being shipped to the US from another country.

This may sound like a complex task, but for most shipments you only need to check a box and fill out identifying information!

Obtaining an HS7 Form is a straightforward process. You can download a blank PDF here. You should include a copy in a label/document pouch adhered to your shipment. This is the best way to avoid any delays for your shipment!

You can read all about the NHSTA regulations and other information related to the HS-7 Form here.

Nerd Tip! Always monitor the progress of your shipment(s) in your ShipNerd dashboard. You will see an exception notice if additional information is required for clearance. Contact ShipNerd support if you need assistance. 

As the shipper, you are responsible for ensuring that all items within your shipment comply with applicable international treaties, laws, regulations, or requirements.