Freight Classes & Shipping Codes

Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar purposes (other than that of heading 70.10 or 70.18).

From small package delivery (under 150lbs) to LTL Freight shipping of Glass and Glassware, ShipNerd lets you manage shipping all your shipment in an easy to use shipping dashboard!

Even with our discount shipping rates, ShipNerd includes Import / Export customs documents, (commercial invoice, etc), when needed.

Select item from list to find Freight Class, HS Number, Schedule-B, HTS Tariff / Duty rates and other information for shipping Glass and Glassware.

Of glass-ceramics:
7013.10.10.00      └─ Kitchenware, non-glazed, greater than 75 percent by volume crystalline, of lithium aluminosilicate, having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 10 x 10-7 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0˚C to 300˚C, transparent, haze-free, exhibiting transmittances of infrared radiations in excess of 75 percent at a wavelength of 2.5 microns when measured on a sample 3 mm in thickness, and containing β-quartz solid solution as the predominant crystal phase
7013.10.50.00      └─ Other
Stemware drinking glasses, other than of glass-ceramics:
7013.22      └─ Of lead crystal:
7013.22.10.00           └─ Valued not over $1 each
7013.22.20.00           └─ Valued over $1 but not over $3 each
7013.22.30.00           └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.22.50.00           └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.28      └─ Other:
7013.28.05.00           └─ Pressed and toughened (specially tempered)
          └─ Other:
7013.28.10.00                └─ Valued not over $0.30 each
               └─ Valued over $0.30 but not over $3 each
7013.28.20.10                     └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.28.20.90                     └─ Other
               └─ Valued over $3 each:
                    └─ Cut or engraved
7013.28.30.00                          └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.28.40.00                          └─ Valued over $5 each
                    └─ Other:
                         └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.28.50.10                               └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.28.50.90                               └─ Other
                         └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.28.60.10                               └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.28.60.90                               └─ Other
Other drinking glasses, other than of glass-ceramics:
7013.33      └─ Of lead crystal:
7013.33.10.00           └─ Valued not over $1 each
7013.33.20.00           └─ Valued over $1 but not over $3 each
7013.33.30.00           └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.33.50.00           └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.37      └─ Other:
7013.37.05.00           └─ Pressed and toughened (specially tempered)
          └─ Other:
               └─ Valued not over $0.30 each
7013.37.10.10                     └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.37.10.90                     └─ Other
               └─ Valued over $0.30 but not over $3 each
7013.37.20.10                     └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.37.20.90                     └─ Other
               └─ Valued over $3 each:
                    └─ Cut or engraved:
7013.37.30.00                          └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.37.40.00                          └─ Valued over $5 each
                    └─ Other:
                         └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.37.50.10                               └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.37.50.90                               └─ Other
                         └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.37.60.10                               └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.37.60.90                               └─ Other
Glassware of a kind used for table (other than drinking glasses) or kitchen purposes, other than of glass-ceramics:
7013.41      └─ Of lead crystal:
7013.41.10.00           └─ Valued not over $1 each
7013.41.20.00           └─ Valued over $1 but not over $3 each
7013.41.30.00           └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.41.50.00           └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.42      └─ Of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding 5 x 10-6 per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0˚C to 300˚C:
7013.42.10.00           └─ Pressed and toughened (specially tempered)
          └─ Other:
7013.42.20.00                └─ Valued not over $3 each
7013.42.30.00                └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.42.40.00                └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.49      └─ Other:
7013.49.10.00           └─ Pressed and toughened (specially tempered)
          └─ Other:
               └─ Valued not over $3 each
7013.49.20.10                     └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.49.20.90                     └─ Other
               └─ Valued over $3 each:
                    └─ Cut or engraved:
7013.49.30.00                          └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.49.40.00                          └─ Valued over $5 each
                    └─ Other:
                         └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.49.50.10                               └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.49.50.90                               └─ Other
                         └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.49.60.10                               └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.49.60.90                               └─ Other
Other glassware:
7013.91      └─ Of lead crystal:
7013.91.10.00           └─ Valued not over $1 each
7013.91.20.00           └─ Valued over $1 but not over $3 each
7013.91.30.00           └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.91.50.00           └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.99      └─ Other:
7013.99.10.00           └─ Glassware decorated with metal flecking, glass pictorial scenes or glass thread- or ribbon-like effects, any of the foregoing embedded or introduced into the body of the glassware prior to its solidification; millefiori glassware; glassware colored prior to solidification, and characterized by random distribution of numerous bubbles, seeds or stones, throughout the mass of the glass
7013.99.20.00           └─ Pressed and toughened (specially tempered)
          └─ Other:
7013.99.30.00                └─ Smokers’ articles; perfume bottles fitted with ground glass stoppers
7013.99.35.00                └─ Votive-candle holders
               └─ Other:
                    └─ Valued not over $0.30 each
7013.99.40.10                          └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.99.40.90                          └─ Other
                    └─ Valued over $0.30 but not over $3 each
7013.99.50.10                          └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.99.50.90                          └─ Other
                    └─ Valued over $3 each:
                         └─ Cut or engraved:
7013.99.60.00                               └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.99.70.00                               └─ Valued over $5 each
                         └─ Other:
                              └─ Valued over $3 but not over $5 each
7013.99.80.10                                    └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.99.80.90                                    └─ Other
                              └─ Valued over $5 each
7013.99.90.10                                    └─ Crystalline or non-lead crystal
7013.99.90.90                                    └─ Other