Freight Classes & Shipping Codes

Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; smoked molluscs, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, fit for human consumpt

From small package delivery (under 150lbs) to LTL Freight shipping of Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs and Other Aquatic Invertebrates, ShipNerd lets you manage shipping all your shipment in an easy to use shipping dashboard!

Even with our discount shipping rates, ShipNerd includes Import / Export customs documents, (commercial invoice, etc), when needed.

Select item from list to find Freight Class, HS Number, Schedule-B, HTS Tariff / Duty rates and other information for shipping Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs and Other Aquatic Invertebrates.

0307.11.00      └─ Live, fresh or chilled
0307.11.00.20           └─ Seed oysters
          └─ Other:
0307.11.00.60                └─ Farmed
0307.11.00.80                └─ Other
0307.12.00      └─ Frozen
0307.12.00.60           └─ Farmed
0307.12.00.80           └─ Other
0307.19.01      └─ Other
0307.19.01.60           └─ Farmed
0307.19.01.80           └─ Other
Scallops and other molluscs of the family Pectinidae:
0307.21.00.00      └─ Live, fresh or chilled
0307.22.00.00      └─ Frozen
0307.29.01.00      └─ Other
Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.):
0307.31.00      └─ Live, fresh or chilled
0307.31.00.10           └─ Farmed
0307.31.00.90           └─ Other
0307.32.00.00      └─ Frozen
0307.39.01.00      └─ Other
Cuttle fish and squid:
0307.42.00      └─ Live, fresh or chilled
          └─ Squid:
0307.42.00.20                └─ Loligo
0307.42.00.40                └─ Other
0307.42.00.60           └─ Other
0307.43.00      └─ Frozen
          └─ Squid:
0307.43.00.10                └─ Fillets
               └─ Other:
                    └─ Loligo:
0307.43.00.22                          └─ Loligo opalescens
0307.43.00.24                          └─ Loligo pealei
0307.43.00.29                          └─ Other
0307.43.00.50                     └─ Other
0307.43.00.60           └─ Other
0307.49.01      └─ Other
          └─ Squid:
               └─ Loligo:
0307.49.01.22                     └─ Loligo opalescens
0307.49.01.24                     └─ Loligo pealei
0307.49.01.29                     └─ Other
0307.49.01.50                └─ Other
0307.49.01.60           └─ Other
Octopus (Octopus spp.):
0307.51.00.00      └─ Live, fresh or chilled
0307.52.00.00      └─ Frozen
0307.59.01.00      └─ Other
0307.60.00.00 Snails, other than sea snails
Clams, cockles and ark shells (families Arcidae, Arcticidae, Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae and Veneridae):
0307.71.00      └─ Live, fresh or chilled
          └─ Clams:
0307.71.00.50                └─ Geoduck
0307.71.00.70                └─ Other
0307.71.00.90           └─ Other
0307.72.00      └─ Frozen
          └─ Clams:
0307.72.00.30                └─ Geoduck
0307.72.00.51                └─ Stimsonʼs
0307.72.00.55                └─ Other
0307.72.00.60           └─ Other
0307.79.01      └─ Other
          └─ Clams:
0307.79.01.30                └─ Geoduck
0307.79.01.51                └─ Stimsonʼs
0307.79.01.55                └─ Other
0307.79.01.60           └─ Other
Abalone (Haliotis spp.) and stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.):
0307.81.00.00      └─ Live, fresh or chilled abalone (Haliotis spp.)
0307.82.00.00      └─ Live, fresh or chilled stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.)
0307.83.00.00      └─ Frozen abalone (Haliotis spp.)
0307.84.00.00      └─ Frozen stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.)
0307.87.00.00      └─ Other abalone (Haliotis spp.)
0307.88.00.00      └─ Other stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.)
0307.91.03      └─ Live, fresh or chilled
0307.91.03.30           └─ Conch
0307.91.03.90           └─ Other
0307.92.01      └─ Frozen
0307.92.01.30           └─ Conch
0307.92.01.90           └─ Other
0307.99.03.00      └─ Other