Freight Classes & Shipping Codes

Aminefunction compounds.

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Acyclic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.11.00.00      └─ Methylamine, di- or trimethylamine and their salts
2921.12.01.00      └─ 2-(N,N-Dimethylamino)ethyl chloride hydrochloride
2921.13.00.00      └─ 2-(N,N-Diethylamino)ethyl chloride hydrochloride
2921.14.00.00      └─ 2-(N,N,-Diisopropylamino)ethyl chloride hydrochloride
2921.19      └─ Other:
2921.19.11.00           └─ Mono-, di- and triethylamines;mono-, di-, and tri-(propyl- and butyl-)monoamines; salts of any of the foregoing
2921.19.31.00           └─ 3-Amino-3-methyl-1-butyne; (Dimethylamino)isopropyl chloride hydrochloride
          └─ Other
2921.19.61.10                └─ N,N-Dialkyl (methyl, ethyl or n-propyl)-2-chloroethylamines and their protonated salts
2921.19.61.20                └─ Bis(2-chloroethyl)ethylamine)
2921.19.61.30                └─ Chlormethine (INN) (bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine)
2921.19.61.40                └─ Trichlormethine (INN) (tris(2-chloroethyl)amine)
2921.19.61.95                └─ Other
Acyclic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.21.00.00      └─ Ethylenediamine and its salts
2921.22      └─ Hexamethylenediamine and its salts:
2921.22.05.00           └─ Hexamethylenediamine adipate (Nylon salt)
          └─ Other:
2921.22.10.00                └─ Derived in whole or in part from adipic acid
2921.22.50.00                └─ Other
2921.29.00      └─ Other
2921.29.00.10           └─ Tetraethylene pentamine
2921.29.00.20           └─ Triethylenetetramine
2921.29.00.30           └─ Diethylenetriamine
2921.29.00.55           └─ Other
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines, and their derivatives; salts thereof:
     └─ Derived in whole or in part from any aromatic compound:
2921.30.05.00           └─ 1,3-Bis(aminoethyl)cyclohexane
          └─ Other:
2921.30.10.00                └─ Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
2921.30.30.00                └─ Other
2921.30.50.00      └─ Other
Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.41      └─ Aniline and its salts:
2921.41.10.00           └─ Aniline
2921.41.20.00           └─ Aniline salts
2921.42      └─ Aniline derivatives and their salts:
2921.42.10.00           └─ N,N-Dimethylaniline
2921.42.15.00           └─ N-Ethylaniline; andN,N-Diethylaniline
2921.42.16.00           └─ 2,4,5-Trichloroaniline
2921.42.18.00           └─ o-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid (Orthanilic acid); 6-Chlorometanilic acid; 2-Chloro-5-nitroaniline; 4-Chloro-3-nitroaniline; 2,3-Dichloroaniline; 2,4-Dichloroaniline; 2,5-Dichloroaniline; 3,5-Dichloroaniline;N,N-Diethylmetanilic acid;N,N-Diethylmetanilic acid, sodium salt; 2,4-Difluoroaniline;p-Fluoroaniline;N-Methylaniline; andm-Nitroaniline
2921.42.21.00           └─ Metanilic acid
2921.42.22.00           └─ Sulfanilic acid
2921.42.23.00           └─ 3,4-Dichloroaniline
2921.42.36.00           └─ m-Chloroaniline; 2-Chloro-4-nitroaniline; 2,5-Dichloroaniline-4-sulfonic acid and its monosodium salt; 2,4-Dinitroaniline;o-Nitroaniline-p-sulfonic acid, sodium salt; and 2,3,4-Trifluoroaniline
          └─ Other:
2921.42.55.00                └─ Fast color bases
               └─ Other:
2921.42.65.00                     └─ Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
2921.42.90.00                     └─ Other
2921.43      └─ Toluidines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.43.04.00           └─ 3-Chloro-o-toluidine; and 6-Chloro-o-toluidine
2921.43.08.00           └─ 4-Chloro-o-toluidine and hydrochloride; 5-Chloro-o-toluidine; 6-Chloro-2-toluidine-4-sulfonic acid; 4-Chloro-α,α,α-trifluoro-o- toluidine; 2,6-Dichloro-m-toluidine;N,N- Dimethyl-p-toluidine;N-Ethyl-N-benzyl-m-toluidine; andN-Ethyl-o-toluidine
2921.43.15.00           └─ α,α,α-Trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-p- toluidine (Trifluralin)
2921.43.19.00           └─ α,α,α-Trifluoro-o-toluidine; andα,α,α-Trifluoro-6-chloro-m-toluidine
2921.43.22.00           └─ N-Ethyl-N-(2-methyl-2-propenyl)-2,6- dinitro-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenamine
2921.43.24.00           └─ 2-Amino-5-chloro-4-ethyl benzenesulfonic acid; 2-Amino-5-chloro-p-toluenesulfonic acid;p-Nitro-o-toluidine; and 3-(Trifluoromethyl) aniline (m-Aminobenzotrifluoride)
          └─ Other:
2921.43.40.00                └─ Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
               └─ Other
2921.43.90.20                     └─ 2-Chloro-p-toluidine-5-sulfonic acid (CAS No. 88-51-7)
2921.43.90.40                     └─ p-Toluidine-m-sulfonic acid (CAS No. 88-44-8)
2921.43.90.90                     └─ Other
2921.44      └─ Diphenylamine and its derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.44.05.00           └─ 4,4′-Bis (α,α-dimethylbenzyl) diphenylamine; andN-Nitrosodiphenylamine
2921.44.10.00           └─ Nitrodiphenylamine
          └─ Other:
2921.44.20.00                └─ Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
2921.44.70.00                └─ Other
2921.45      └─ 1-Naphthylamine (α-Naphthylamine), 2-Naphthylamine (β-Naphthylamine), and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.45.10.00           └─ 7-Amino-1,3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid and its salts; 5-Amino-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid and its salts; 8-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid and its salts; andN-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine
2921.45.20.00           └─ 3-Amino-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid; 4-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid, sodium salt; 5-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (Laurent’s acid); 8-Amino-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid and its salts; 7-Amino-1,3,6-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid; 8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (Phenyl Peri acid) and its salts; andN-Ethyl-1-naphthylamine
2921.45.25.00           └─ Mixtures of 5- and 8-amino-2-naphthalene- sulfonic acid; 2-Naphthylamine-6-sulfonic acid; ando-Naphthionic acid (1-amino- 2-naphthalene- sulfonic acid)
          └─ Other:
2921.45.60.00                └─ Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
               └─ Other
2921.45.90.10                     └─ 2-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (Tobias acid)
2921.45.90.90                     └─ Other
2921.46.00.00      └─ Amfetamine (INN), benzfetamine (INN), dexamfetamine (INN), etilamfetamine (INN), fencamfamin (INN), lefetamine (INN), levamfetamine (INN), mefenorex (INN) and phentermine (INN); salts thereof
2921.49      └─ Other:
2921.49.10.00           └─ 4-Amino-2-stilbenesulfonic acid and its salts;p-Ethylaniline; 2,4,6-Trimethylaniline (Mesidine); 2,3-Xylidine; 2,4-Xylidine; 2,5-Xylidine; and 3,4-Xylidine
2921.49.15.00           └─ m-Nitro-p-toluidine
          └─ Other:
2921.49.32.00                └─ Fast color bases
               └─ Drugs:
2921.49.38.00                     └─ Antidepressants, tranquilizers and other psychotherapeutic agents
2921.49.43.00                     └─ Other
               └─ Other:
2921.49.45.00                     └─ Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
2921.49.50.00                     └─ Other
Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.51      └─ o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, diaminotoluenes, and their derivatives; salts thereof:
2921.51.10.00           └─ 4-Amino-2-(N,N-diethylamino) toluene hydrochloride;m-Phenylenediamine;o-Phenylenediamine; Toluene-2,4-diamine; Toluene-2,5-diamine; and Toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate
          └─ Other:
2921.51.20.00                └─ Photographic chemicals
               └─ Other:
2921.51.30.00                     └─ Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
2921.51.50.00                     └─ Other
2921.59      └─ Other:
2921.59.04.00           └─ 1,8-Diaminonaphthalene (1,8-Naphthalenediamine)
2921.59.08.00           └─ 5-Amino-2-(p-aminoanilino) benzenesulfonic acid; 4,4′-Diamino-3-biphenylsulfonic acid (3-Benzidinesulfonic acid); 3,3′-Dimethylbenzidine (o-Tolidine); 3,3′-Dimethylbenzidine hydrochloride; Ethyl-(2-dimethylaminoethyl) aniline;N-Ethyl-N,N’-dimethyl-N’-phenylethylene- diamine; and 4,4′-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline)
2921.59.17.00           └─ 4,4′-Benzidine-2,2′-disulfonic acid; 1,4-Diaminobenzene-2-sulfonic acid; 4,4′-Methylene bis ((3-chloro-2,6-diethylaniline); 4,4′-Methylene bis(2,6-diethylaniline); 4,4′-Methylene bis (2,6-diisopropylaniline);m-Xylene diamine; and 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine (tetraaminobiphenyl)
2921.59.20.00           └─ 4,4′-Diamino-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid
2921.59.30.00           └─ 4,4′-Methylenedianiline
          └─ Other:
2921.59.40.00                └─ Products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
               └─ Other
2921.59.80.10                     └─ 3,3′-Dichlorobenzidine dihydrochloride
2921.59.80.90                     └─ Other