Freight Classes & Shipping Codes

Oils and other products of the distillation of high temperature coal tar; similar products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the nonaromatic constituents.

From small package delivery (under 150lbs) to LTL Freight shipping of Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils and Products of Their Distillation; Bituminous Substances; Mineral Waxes, ShipNerd lets you manage shipping all your shipment in an easy to use shipping dashboard!

Even with our discount shipping rates, ShipNerd includes Import / Export customs documents, (commercial invoice, etc), when needed.

Select item from list to find Freight Class, HS Number, Schedule-B, HTS Tariff / Duty rates and other information for shipping Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils and Products of Their Distillation; Bituminous Substances; Mineral Waxes.

2707.10.00.00 Benzene
2707.20.00.00 Toluene
2707.30.00.10      └─ m-Xylene
2707.30.00.20      └─ o-Xylene
2707.30.00.30      └─ p-Xylene
2707.30.00.40      └─ Other
2707.40.00.00 Naphthalene
2707.50.00.00 Other aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures of which 65 percent or more by volume (including losses) distills at 250˚C by the ISO 3405 method (equivalent to the ASTM D 86 method)
2707.91.00.00      └─ Creosote oils
2707.99      └─ Other:
2707.99.10.00           └─ Light oil
2707.99.20.00           └─ Picolines
2707.99.40.00           └─ Carbazole having a purity of 65 percent or more by weight
          └─ Phenols:
2707.99.51.00                └─ Containing more than 50 percent by weight of hydroxybenzene
2707.99.55.00                └─ Metacresol, orthocresol, paracresol and metaparacresol, all the foregoing having a purity of 75 percent or more by weight
2707.99.59.00                └─ Other
          └─ Other
2707.99.90.10                └─ Carbon black feedstocks
2707.99.90.90                └─ Other