Freight Classes & Shipping Codes

Works trucks, selfpropelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods; tractors of the type used on railway station platforms; parts of the fore (Other)

Items listed under “Works trucks, selfpropelled, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, of the type used in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports for short distance transport of goods; tractors of the type used on railway station platforms; parts of the fore (Other)” fall under HS# 870919, but may have different Schedule-B and HTS Tariff/Duty rates and restriction depending on statistical classification.

Choose a Statistical Classification below to view HTS, Schedule-B, tariff/duty, NMFC© Freight Class and additional parcel or LTL Freight shipping information for HS# 870919 related goods.

8709.19.00.30 works trucks for use in warehouses, factories, etc, other than electrical, operator riding, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment
8709.19.00.60 works trucks for use in warehouses, factories, etc, other than electrical, other than operator riding, not fitted with lifting or handling equipment