Freight Classes & Shipping Codes

Newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material. (Other)

Items listed under “Newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material. (Other)” fall under HS# 490290, but may have different Schedule-B and HTS Tariff/Duty rates and restriction depending on statistical classification.

Choose a Statistical Classification below to view HTS, Schedule-B, tariff/duty, NMFC© Freight Class and additional parcel or LTL Freight shipping information for HS# 490290 related goods.

4902.90.10.00 newspaper supplements printed by a gravure process, nesoi
4902.90.20.20 newspapers appearing less than four times a week
4902.90.20.40 business and professional journals and periodicals, nesoi, including single issues tied together for shipping purposes
4902.90.20.60 journals and periodicals nesoi (including single issues tied together for shipping purposes)