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Can I change my delivery address?

Mistyped an address or accidentally shipped a package to an old house? ShipNerd has your back!

Depending on the courier, and your relation to the package, how you go about changing the delivery address may differ slightly. This is because ShipNerd is technically the shipper of your packages, which means reroutes and address changes coming from the shipper need to go through us.

Contact [email protected] with the full tracking number and the new address, including any apartment buzzer codes or other important delivery information. We will then submit the update to the courier and will confirm with you once the change is pending.

For security, ShipNerd will not accept address change requests from anyone but the shipper! As such, please contact your shipper, as they can contact ShipNerd to process an address change request.

Please note that couriers typically charge an address change request fee.