Freight Classes & Shipping Codes

Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 03.04. (Other)

Items listed under “Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 03.04. (Other)” fall under HS# 030279, but may have different Schedule-B and HTS Tariff/Duty rates and restriction depending on statistical classification.

Choose a Statistical Classification below to view HTS, Schedule-B, tariff/duty, NMFC© Freight Class and additional parcel or LTL Freight shipping information for HS# 030279 related goods.

0302.79.11.00 snakeheads, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less, except fillets, livers and roes
0302.79.50.25 nile perch, fresh or chilled, except fillets, livers and roes
0302.79.50.76 snakeheads, fresh or chilled, excluding livers, roes, fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304, nesoi