Freight Classes & Shipping Codes

Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included.

From small package delivery (under 150lbs) to LTL Freight shipping of Preparations of Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts or Other Parts of Plants, ShipNerd lets you manage shipping all your shipment in an easy to use shipping dashboard!

Even with our discount shipping rates, ShipNerd includes Import / Export customs documents, (commercial invoice, etc), when needed.

Select item from list to find Freight Class, HS Number, Schedule-B, HTS Tariff / Duty rates and other information for shipping Preparations of Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts or Other Parts of Plants.

Nuts, peanuts (ground-nuts) and other seeds, whether or not mixed together:
2008.11      └─ Peanuts (ground-nuts):
          └─ Peanut butter and paste:
2008.11.02.00                └─ Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule and entered pursuant to its provisions
2008.11.05.00                └─ Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions
2008.11.15.00                └─ Other
          └─ Other:
2008.11.43.00                └─ Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule and entered pursuant to its provisions
2008.11.46.00                └─ Described in additional U.S. note 2 to chapter 12 and entered pursuant to its provisions
2008.11.61.00                └─ Other
2008.19      └─ Other, including mixtures:
          └─ Brazil nuts and cashews
2008.19.10.20                └─ Brazil nuts
2008.19.10.40                └─ Cashews
2008.19.15.00           └─ Coconuts
2008.19.20.00           └─ Filberts
2008.19.25.00           └─ Pecans
          └─ Pignolia and pistachios
2008.19.30.10                └─ Pignolia
2008.19.30.20                └─ Pistachios
2008.19.40.00           └─ Almonds
2008.19.50.00           └─ Watermelon seeds
          └─ Other, including mixtures:
2008.19.85.00                └─ Mixtures
               └─ Other
2008.19.90.10                     └─ Macadamia nuts
2008.19.90.90                     └─ Other
2008.20.00.10      └─ Containing cane and/or beet sugar
2008.20.00.90      └─ Other
Citrus fruit:
     └─ Peel:
2008.30.10.00           └─ Of oranges, mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
2008.30.20.00           └─ Of lemons
2008.30.30.00           └─ Other
     └─ Pulp:
2008.30.35.00           └─ Orange
2008.30.37.00           └─ Other
     └─ Other:
2008.30.40.00           └─ Oranges
          └─ Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids:
               └─ Mandarins:
                    └─ Satsumas, in airtight containers:
                         └─ For an aggregate quantity entered in any calendar year not to exceed 40,000 metric tons
2008.30.42.10                               └─ Containing cane and/or beet sugar
2008.30.42.90                               └─ Other
2008.30.46.00                          └─ Other
2008.30.48.00                     └─ Other
2008.30.55.00                └─ Other
          └─ Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia):
2008.30.60.00                └─ Lemons
2008.30.66.00                └─ Limes
2008.30.70.00           └─ Grapefruit
2008.30.80.00           └─ Kumquats
2008.30.85.00           └─ Citron
2008.30.96.00           └─ Other, including bergamots
2008.40.00.20      └─ In containers each holding less than 1.4 kg
2008.40.00.40      └─ Other
2008.50.20.00      └─ Pulp
2008.50.40.00      └─ Other
2008.60.00.20      └─ Maraschino
     └─ Other:
2008.60.00.40           └─ Sweet varieties
2008.60.00.60           └─ Tart varieties
Peaches, including nectarines:
2008.70.10      └─ Nectarines
2008.70.10.20           └─ In containers each holding less than 1.4 kg
2008.70.10.40           └─ Other
2008.70.20      └─ Other peaches
2008.70.20.20           └─ In containers each holding less than 1.4 kg
2008.70.20.40           └─ Other
2008.80.00.00 Strawberries
Other, including mixtures other than those of subheading 2008.19:
2008.91.00.00      └─ Palm hearts
2008.93.00.00      └─ Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos); lingonberries (Vaccinium, vitis-idaea)
2008.97      └─ Mixtures:
          └─ In airtight containers and not containing apricots, citrus fruits, peaches or pears
2008.97.10.20                └─ Prepared cereal products
2008.97.10.40                └─ Other
          └─ Other
               └─ Packed in a liquid medium in airtight containers:
                    └─ Containing peaches or pears:
2008.97.90.30                          └─ In containers each holding less than 1.4 kg
2008.97.90.35                          └─ Other
                    └─ Other:
2008.97.90.40                          └─ Containing oranges or grapefruit
2008.97.90.50                          └─ Other
               └─ Other:
2008.97.90.92                     └─ Prepared cereal products
2008.97.90.94                     └─ Other
2008.99      └─ Other:
2008.99.05.00           └─ Apples
2008.99.10.00           └─ Avocados
          └─ Bananas:
2008.99.13.00                └─ Pulp
2008.99.15.00                └─ Other
          └─ Berries:
               └─ Blueberries
2008.99.18.10                     └─ Wild blueberries, canned
2008.99.18.90                     └─ Other
               └─ Other
2008.99.21.20                     └─ Red Raspberries
2008.99.21.40                     └─ Other
2008.99.23.00           └─ Cashew apples, mameyes colorados, sapodillas, soursops and sweetsops
2008.99.25.00           └─ Dates
2008.99.28.00           └─ Figs
2008.99.29.00           └─ Grapes
2008.99.30.00           └─ Guavas
2008.99.35.00           └─ Lychees and longans
2008.99.40.00           └─ Mangoes
          └─ Papayas:
2008.99.45.00                └─ Pulp
2008.99.50.00                └─ Other
2008.99.60.00           └─ Plums (including prune plums and sloes)
2008.99.61.00           └─ Soybeans
2008.99.63.00           └─ Sweet ginger
2008.99.65.00           └─ Cassava (manioc)
          └─ Chinese water chestnuts:
2008.99.70.00                └─ Frozen
               └─ Other
2008.99.71.10                     └─ Sliced
2008.99.71.20                     └─ Whole
          └─ Other:
2008.99.80.00                └─ Pulp
               └─ Other
2008.99.91.10                     └─ Bean cake, bean stick, miso and similar products
2008.99.91.90                     └─ Other